Basic Views
For our Group's further growth, we recognize the importance of building good relationships with our stakeholders in our corporate activities, as well as being aware of the safety and diversity of our members in the workplace. By putting these into practice, we will contribute to sustainable development of society.
■Human Rights
As a TSE Prime listed company, we are fully aware of our responsibility within society, and we place utmost respect on human rights not only for ourselves but also for all of our stakeholders. To fulfill this responsibility, we have established the “Anti-Harassment Policy” to thoroughly educate and train our members to prevent human rights violations and harassment to our members as well as to our business partners. Furthermore, we have established whistle-blowing hotlines both inside and outside the company to supplement our compliance system.
■Labor Safety and Health
We believe that a healthy, safe, and comfortable work environment is vital for our members to fully demonstrate their abilities, which in turn improves our corporate value. As part of our efforts to health management, we thoroughly manage overtime hours of our employees, promote better health and safety with the lead of our industrial physician and Health Committee, and encourage all employees to take a regular health checkup (with a target of 95% of all employees taking such checkups).
We also aim to be selected as a Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization under the “KENKO Investment for Health” led by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. As part of this effort, we have been recognized as a healthy excellent company by National Federation of Health Insurance Societies, thereby working to maintain and enhance the health of our employees. As an example, we subsidize some cost of our internal clubs that cover a wide range of activities including athletic clubs.

We pay attention to LGBTQ based on the importance of DE&I (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion). We respect characteristics and strengths of each individual and encourage all members to be able to reach their full potential through work. Moreover, we have revised the definition of “marriage” in our internal rules to reflect the diversity of family structures and include, in addition to legal marriage, de facto marriage and marriage with a same-sex partner.
As for hiring, we promote the employment of those who have passed the retirement age but want to continue to work, and we also recruit talents regardless of their gender or nationality.
■Access to Secure Financial Products/Financial Infrastructure
“OwnersBook,” the Group's crowdfunding service specializing in real estate, is a platform that allows individual investors to access the real estate investment areas specialized for institutional investors. As a listed company, we have established the internal system that meets the requirements of the capital markets and an audit firm, as well as a compliance system that conforms to the authorization of the Financial Services Agency. This enables us to originate secure financial products and provide access for individual investors.
■Human Capital
➀Development of Our People
For the sustainable growth of the Group, we believe it is essential to secure human resources with diverse experiences, skills, and attributes, and to support their development by enabling them to fully share their perspectives through working together. To encourage our diverse members to grow and build their careers voluntarily, we provide extensive support such as a target management system, a 1-on-1 meeting, as well as reskilling systems such as subsidies for obtaining certifications/qualifications and purchasing books. To address sustainability, which has been the important topic of recent years, we need to have a management perspective, gain a wide range of knowledge, and cultivate execution skills. For this reason, we have established the Sustainability Committee. The Committee is open to anyone regardless of position or job title and is fully based on voluntary participation. Thus, the company provides opportunities for self-learning. Also, we also offer various opportunities to promote internal communication between the management and employees.
The Group believes that, in order for our members to fully engage in their work, it is crucial to create a supportive working environment, such as introducing staggered working hours, as well as providing benefits, asset-building support system, and attractive compensation. Specifically, we provide subsidies for a regular health checkup (physical examinations) and housekeeping services, as well as an employee stock option and an optional defined contribution pension plan.
To achieve our long-term vision of “Open up the real estate investment market to individuals,” the Group has taken cyber-security measures. Through in-house system development, ICT, and investment in human capital and facilities, we strive to promote and strengthen our company-wide DX.
■Volunteer and Donations
We have a volunteer club, and they are actively engaged in community services. We also make donations to disaster relief.